Libraries & Bindings
Official Resources
The motiviation of this repo is that when ReScript users want to share their library with JS users, the JS users don't need have ReScript toolchain installed, this makes sharing code with JS users easier (more details on that topic can be found in our [Ex
React bindings for ReScript
ReScript's new standard library. Intended to be familiar for JavaScript developers, easy to use, and be rich enough (without being bloated) so that you don't need to reach for anything else for typical ReScript development.
Experimental successor to [rescript-webapi](
The most minimalistic testing library you will find for testing ReScript code
Better interop with JS & TS in ReScript
Community Resources
Zero-cost rescript bindings to the WHATWG Fetch API
2020 proposal for new ReScript promise bindings
ReScript bindings to the DOM and other Web APIs
Use Relay with ReScript.
ReScript bindings for React Native.
Node bindings for ReScript
Debounce for ReScript
Reimplementation of classnames in ReScript
Combinator library for JSON decoding and encoding.
Form validation tool for @rescript/react
ANSI code to HTML
⚡ A set of useful components to help you build and maintain React Native (Web too) layouts with ease.
Transform SVG files into React components, Native and/or Web, JavaScript, TypeScript and ReScript. Without shitload of dependencies.
> Bindings to the JS standard library
Debounce hooks for @rescript/react
A ReScript web router for RescriptRelay.
🍃 State management library, for simple minds.
Logging implementation for ReScript
🍃 React State Management with Tilia.
ReScript bindings for email-validator
> useReducer with updates and side effects!
Binaries for the rescript-react-intl message extractor
<img src="docs/garter.svg" alt="garter" width="200" height="200" align="right" />
ReScript bindings to react-intl
📄 Typesafe JSON Schema for ReScript
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/netinfo.
This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui-lab.
This library provides Reason bindings for material-ui.
😴 ReScript RPC-like client, contract, and server implementation for a pure REST API
ReScript bindings for react-native-device-info.
This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui.
The only official ReScript starter template.
📆 Date manipulation in ReScript.
Form validation library for React/TypeScript projects
Rescript bindings for Jotai (react state management).
JSON encoding and decoding for ReScript
lightning-fast testing for a lightning-fast compiler
ReScript bindings for ky HTTP client
A general purpose PPX and library for embedding other languages into ReScript, via code generation.
Rescript bindings for Cypress
Quickly create new ReScript apps from project templates.
This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui (MUI).
Kind of an IndexedDB ORM written in ReScript with no runtime dependencies.
Rescript Bindings for Lodash
Reason/OCaml PPX generating ReactIntl `id` from `defaultMessage`
Elaborate form validation system for Rescript
NobleAI optinionated frame for unifying external core libraries
Light and type-safe binding to JS promises
🕸️ Typesafe OpenAPI for ReScript
highlight.js syntax definition for ReScript programming language
Drag-n-drop for @rescript/react
Enable web worker-loader for your create-react-app project.
Simple JSON deserializer for ReScript
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/cameraroll.
Rescript bindings for Rxjs
This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui-lab.
ReScript binding for Patternfly
Reasonably making forms with ReScript and React sound good
cnip is a simple command-line snippet management tool.
A ReScript framework for building server-driven web sites and applications. Use familiar tech like JSX and the component model from React, combined with simple server driven client side technologies like HTMX. Built on Bun and Vite.
⚡️ ReScript bindings for @chakra-ui/react
ReScript bindings for react-navigation.
ReScript bindings for React Helmet, a document head manager for React
Rescript Bindings for Vitest
Useful general-purpose utility functions and modules for ReScript projects.
ReScript bindings for @ant-design/icons
ReScript bindings for react-native-gesture-handler
Use Bun with ReScript.
Reasonably making forms with ReScript and React sound good
ReScript bindings for react-native-svg.
This package helps you convert between Rescript values and JSON values.
supports rescript for kotori-bot
Use EdgeDB in ReScript.
Enable web worker-loader for your create-react-app project.
React icons rescript bindings
ReScript bindings and utils for [Fresh](
Remove empty or nullable values from JavaScript objects
This package closely wraps the [Push API]( It does not include the Push API Service Worker Additions. Instead, it is a dependency of the `rescript-service-worker` package. It has not been exhaust
ReScript bindings for solid-js.
ReScript bindings for Jest
ReScript bindings to react-on-rails
This library provides Reason bindings for material-ui-lab.
SWR bindings for ReScript
React component for a grid layout within fixed width / height. Usefull for dashboards or full screen web applications.
Parse dates and numbers using the Intl API in ReScript
A rescript configuration for smooth React Apps
NobleAI tool for generating rescript library documentation
Deno bindings for ReScript
This is a ppx for using the withStyles component in ReScript Material-UI
Easy to use automatic diagram layout component in react
A rescript binding for dayjs
Suspenders ==========
Lazy sequences for ReScript.
Babel preset to transform ReScript code to solidJs.
Secure Hash Algorithms for ReScript
Standard Library for ReScript
React icons rescript bindings
rescript binding for jalaali js
ppx validates the rules of React hooks
A ReScript implementation of the blossom maximum-matching algorithm
Quickly create an opinionated bsconfig.json
ReScript bindings to use-sync-external-store
ReScript port of Polished library for color manipulation
ReScript bindings for polished.
The only official ReScript starter template.
BBCode parser written in ReScript (OCaml) with TypeScript typings.
Rescript bindings for the react-flatpickr npm package
A tiny state manager writter in Rescript
This is the Expo template that allows you to build mobile applications with use of ReasonML/ReScript.
This is for generating the rescript project template/starter code.
A Rescript package for functional data structure.
Transforms ReScript React.createElement calls back to JSX syntax
Rescript bindings for Expo
A simple, powerful state manager for Rescript React
<div align="center"> <br /> <p> <a href=""><img src="" width="546" alt="discord.js" /></a> </p> <br /> <p> <a href=""><img src="https:/
Elm task but for ReScript
ReScript bindings for Prettier.js
ReScript bindings for NativeBase
React.useReducer hook on steroids with the possibility of side-effects controlling
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/clipboard.
A lightweight HTTP client library for ReScript, designed to be used immediately.
Generete ReactIntl.messages
ReScript binding to Heroicons
A module for explicability from the trace of a catala program
[dinero.js]( bindings for ReScript
Another Promise bindings for ReScript
Load third-party scripts into your react app using hooks.
Self-adjusting Computation by Umut Acar
[]( [](#contributors) [ with babel and typescript
Persistent Vector implemenetation in ReScript
a plugin for integration ReScript with most Bundler (Vite, Rollup, Webpack, Esbuild, etc).
ReScript bindings for react-native-safe-area-context.
Quickly add reasonml and rescript attributes to your project
> An alternative upgrade path for ReasonReact
ReScript bindings to Linaria
 []( []( [](
ReScript + .React + Vite template for Create React App
koa.js bindings for rescript.
API for Float DAO smart contracts
ReScript bindings for Contentful
Throttle hooks for @rescript/react
ReScript language support (official)
A `Lazy Sequence` implimation. Highly abstracted stream like `RxJs` but without `time`.
ReScript binding for Inertia.js
Immutable, fully persistent, and balanced binary search tree data structure implementation in pure js.
Rescript bindings for Hono
This library is a fork and re-design of [rescript-react-update](
ReScript bidnings to tinybench
ReScript bindings for Mustache.js
ReScript bindings for Boost
Unofficial ReScript binding to @heroicons/react
Rescript bindings for PrimeReact component library.
FluentCI SDK for Rescript
Core library of doc-e-mate in ReScript
ReScript runtime library for Bindoj -- A generative datatype toolkit for OCaml centric workflows
ReScript JSON serializations that match Haskell aeson
ReScript bindings for antd
Simple GeoJSON decoder library for ReScript based on @glennsl/rescript-json-combinators.
ReScript bindings for Ink
ReScript bindings for react-native-keychain.
ReScript bindings to the AVA test framework
Port of Jane Street's Sexplib0 to ReScript
A simple CLI utility to generate the required files to get you up and running with [ReScript](
ReScript binding to @tabler/icons-react
ReScript bindings for date-fns
ReScript bindings for react-dsfr
Published in NPM as `@MikeSkoe/rex`
ReScript bindings to the JavaScript iterator protocol
ReScript + ReScript React template for Create React App
Rescript bindings for Firebase
Transform a file path by splitting the original path into an array of parts and defining a new path in terms of indices of the parts
ReScript bindings for node-sass
Simple validation schema for Rescript.
ReScript bindings for use-dark-mode
ReScript support for lite-jsx, a lightweight library to generate HTML. A good match for something like HTMX.
Atdgen prebuilt binaries for 3 major OS platforms.
Migrate files between .re .rei .res .resi .ml .mli extensions for ocaml, reasonml, bucklescript and rescript syntaxes
React Native template for application developed with ReScript.
ReScript bindings for react-query
ReScript bindings to date-fns
koa.js bindings for rescript.
ReScript React CSS Grid Wrapper
A super simple JSON decoder for Rescript
Minimal ReScript bindings for React.lazy
Kxclib packaged to be used with ReScript
This library was generated with [Nx](
ReScript bindings for body-scroll-lock
react-datepicker bindings for [Rescript](
Easy to use automatic diagram layout component in react
Run a REPL to execute ReScript code in interactive mode
React icons rescript bindings
Test rescript-aeson encode and decode functions against golden files generated from the Haskell library hspec-golden-aeson
Throttle for ReScript
ReScript bindings for Chokidar.js
This library provides Rescript Bindings for sentry-react
ReScript bindings for the docx.js lib
ReScript bindings for picomatch
ReScript React component to embed tweets.
ReScript bindings for Execa.js
ReScript React starter kit
Rescript wrapper over graphqljs library
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/push-notification-ios.
ReScript bindings against the AWS JavaScript SDK v3
ReScript bindings for Next.js
ReScript binding to Hugeicons
Some extension methods to ReScript's Js.Array2 module
rescript bindings for auth0's react library
rescript module for sendig ajax via axious
Standard Library for ReScript
Doc-e-mate in ReScript
The only official ReScript starter template.
ReScript bindings for Web Extensions
File system interface library of doc-e-mate in ReScript
Collected runtime libraries for Jane Street's Base
An extension for rescript-zora that provides a DOM context for tests (via jsdom).
ReScript + ReScript React template for Create React App
ReScript bindings for tanstack-react-table
zero-cost bind for Web API AbortController
Library for using esri loader in rescript.
Expo template to build mobile application with ReScript.
Gerrit plugin to display zuul results
ReScript bindings for react-native-permissions.
Quickly add reasonml and rescript gitignore values to your project
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/image-editor.
Provide Rescript bindings for antd
SimpleORM - A Lightweight JavaScript ORM for REST APIs build in Rescript.
The Kingdom template for Create React App and ReScript
ReScript + .React + Snowpack template for Create React App
ReScript bindings for Big.js library
Generate your own Elm modules
React icons rescript bindings
ReScript bindings for chokidar
Reimplementation of ms in ReScript
ReScript bindings for Recharts
ReScript bindings for tmi.js
Enable web worker-loader for your create-react-app project.
ReScript bindings for rn-fetch-blob.
ReScript bindings for ky HTTP client with rescript-promise
@resinfo/parser is a parser combinator library for ReScript.
rescript api for node-html-parser package
Gatsby plugin to use bs-css-emotion with ReScript or Reason to extract critical css.
rescript bindings for preact's signals library
React icons rescript bindings
Type-safe css modules for ReScript
**This is vendored stdlib for personal usage**
Gerrit client
React icons rescript bindings
ReScript bindings for validator.js
ReScript + React + Parcel template for Create React App
React icons rescript bindings
ReScript bindings for msw
> ✨ Bootstrapped with Create Snowpack App (CSA).
ReScript bindings for @react-native-async-storage/async-storage.
Build a dogumentation for you Rescript React components
ReScript bindings to the native JavaScript Set data type
ReScript bindings for anymatch
Rescript configuration library for nodejs
ReScript bindings for react-native-inappbrowser
ReScript bindings for react-native-webview.
RePolished bindings for bs-css
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/datetimepicker.
React icons rescript bindings
Rescript bindings for Jotai (react state management).
ReScript bindings for react-native-swipe-list-view
Redux inspired state management library for rescript-react
ReScript bindings to the native JavaScript Map data type
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/viewpager.
Rescript bindings for the react-map-gl npm package
A collection of low-level DOM tools for building high performance web interfaces using Rescript, inspired by Freak613/stage0
Rescript React static site generator
ReScript compiler, OCaml standard libary by ReScript and its required runtime support
Rescript bindings for Blueprint (React-based UI toolkit)
Smart contract addresses and other config for Float Capital
Bindings and helpers for [Remix](
ReScript bindings to HeadlessUI React component library
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/slider.
The only official ReScript starter template.
An experimental Rescript binding for jswonwebtoken.
Simple logger library for ReScript apps
JSX types and bindings to use ReScript and HTMX together.
An either-or-both data type implementation in ReScript
ReSon is a ReScript library that provides a convenient way to parse JSON data in a type-safe manner. Inspired by the classify approach described in the ReScript documentation and libraries like aeson, ReSon aims to simplify the process of parsing and vali
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/checkbox.
Better hooks for rescript-react
ReScript bindings, modules, and functions for Remix.
A functional ReScript server framework for Javascript runtimes. Currently supports Express and Bun.
Logging implementation for ReScript
ReScript Bindings for the Fetch API
ReScript bindings for @react-native-picker/picker.
Set of Rescript helpers
Snowpack plugin for ReScript
ReScript bindings for react-native-linear-gradient.
```sh npm install @vlk/rescript-future ```
The base template for Create React App with rescript.
ReScript bindings for react-native-safe-area-view.
React icons rescript bindings
In development: A Rescript binding for Mongoose
A tiny Snowpack plugin to fix usage of `require`
Statemachines for ReScript
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/geolocation.
Rescript bindings for the [Commander javascript library](
This is a lambda with rescript
ReScript bindings for react-native-paper.
ReScript + ReScript React template for Create React App
Simple TAP producing testing library for ReScript
ReScript bindings to Deno APIs
React icons rescript bindings
Bindings and helpers for [Remix](
provides api for result<'a, exn> type
Helpers for improved ergonomics when working with 2-tuples.
composable JSON parsing for ReScript
Rescript binding for sjcl
ReScript bindings to Day.js library.
Rescript bindings for PeerJS
This is a typings of PhoenixJS lib for Rescript Language
simple pdf viewer
ReScript bindings to Nano ID library.
Automatically set the height of the iframe based on the content.
Rescript wrapper over prisma orm
👋 rescript-redux
rescript. Re-schema-form is a meta based render.
a kotori project
Mobx bindings for Rescript with React